Its really god game!
Its really god game!
awesome game! would rather a one time buy for the full game but the gameplay is solid and great fun
Take me out to the ballgame
Awesome game to kill time
Fun,fun,fun haha besr baseball game out there
Top... Macht Spass
Hitting home runs is hard. Fun game though!
But why doesnt the dpad Show up? -.-
Im addicted to this game; great game.
Very fun love it
Best baseball game for mobile device! It hasnt crashed once or lagged for me on my 4th gen iPod. The only thing I can think of is if it had the close up picture of the position you play when fielding besides pitcher.
Great game. Fun for real basebal fans if you can get past the anime characters
Love this app its great! Lots to do a fun over all play. See you on the diamond.
This is probely the best game for the iPad 1. It never crashes. Great graphics. And love the anime style. love how the goes fast Amazing game keep it up
worth playing for a while. the errors are annoying and arbitrary.
Get this game
Great game! Defenitely the best sport game!!